Butterflies and Moths


I went hiking again yesterday (04/04/12) with a friend. Strangely enough, we met lots of tiny critters I could take photos of  :). I said that she attracted all kind animals along the way, that’s why.   I should take her along later in the future hiking so I could meet more tiny critters to add to my collections. Hahahaha…..


The first moth we saw













We found this beauty right before we reached Shek O Peak















I have no idea why this butterfly had numbers written on its wings











This butterfly put on a show when I took pictures of it. It allowed me to photograph in every angle without having to move my camera 😆















This poor thing was already dying when I found it on the ground

10 thoughts on “Butterflies and Moths

  1. Mba Dwi, kok ada kupu2 yang sayapnya tertulis angka-angka 😀

    Wah ini kalau di Indonesia, dijamin tokcer kupu2nya dikejar banyak orang, maklum inpirasi “nomor togel” 😀

    Heran yaa, kok bisa ada gitu, apa pernah dia ditangkap orang, trus orang menulis disayapnya, duh kasihan banget

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